
How to become an author
When you have an idea for a systematic review of an intervention or diagnostic test within the hepato-biliary dieseases field, you should send an e-mail to The Managing Editor of The CHBG (

You are expected to have read relevant material for authors on the Cochrane website. On the Cochrane website, you will also find information about current training possibilities for authors. Training resources are also available on the Cochrane Training website. All these resources will give you information on how to proceed. 

To the left hand menu on this CHBG webpage, under Forms and documents, you will find different review registration forms, and depending on the type of review you wish to apply for and perform, you will have to send the respective form completed to The Managing Editor. The Managing Editor seeks advise on the proposed review title from CHBG editors. After that, you will be informed whether or not The CHBG will register your title for a review.

Review authors of reviews on treatment or preventive interventions are kindly requested to check whether there are randomised clinical trials available in the literature for the performance of the suggested review before they apply for the review title registration. The CHBG is not in favour of preparation of systematic reviews on treatment or prevention based on non-randomised clinical studies as such studies risk to overestimate benefits and underestimate harms.